Sunday, August 17, 2008


wow..I just couldn't et myself to writing..this has been the most eventful week of my life..if I started listing everything that happened to me, the things I've seen, the things I've heard...I just wouldn't stop writing..and you couldn't read it. So.. if you ever wonder wether to come to sziget or not, well.. bring a tent, put it up close to everything, near some trees, and near the toilets. There is no stealing, as we may suppose, so don't be afraid Noone needs your filthy clothes here, and carry your valuables, or put it in the treasury..
stay here for the whole week and try everything you can.. a wekk won't be enough I promise..
and, most importantly, DON'T PLAN TOO MUCH!!! it just ruins the experience. Stay as laid back as you can, and just let your feet take you wherever and keep your eyes open. I am sure you will see everything you ever wished to see this way! :)))

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