Thursday, September 25, 2008

if you see this


why would I want to...

use facebook? there is nothing happening there, it is totally confusing, with all the walls, superwalls, personal walls etc. and all the notifications, which are mostly about some shitty application invitation, or invitation for a cause you are not really doing anything it is kind of like a site for the compulsive cleaners, as it makes you erase a lot of things without axtually communicating with anyone from your contacts.
and then there is the problem of privacy..because you don't have any. whatever you do, whatever changes you make, facebook will notify all your aquaintances inon the watch-out what messages you write to your friends coz it will appear on all your contacts' pages as well...
waahhh... :(

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the world is small!

Today, an interesting thing happened. I was having dinner at a table with 3 bosnian girls and 2 strangers. Because I had an asignment to do an interview with someone abbout the next day´s topic, I asked the strangers to talk about it. One of them, a guy from Romania was actually a professional in the topic, he is giving lectures, that is holding trainings on the topic and he knew what to say about it, but this is not the interesting part.
The funny thing was, when we started exchanging emails and he found out I was from Subotica. He became excited and told me he´s been there, and he was at the etnofest at palic this june. I told him I was there too with sambass, the samba band I play in and he actually heard us play. but we didn´t meet as such. he was just present at the concert. So we actually met 3 months ago without knowing that we will meet and he will help me in my asignment in Mollina, Spain a few months later.. :)
isn´t the world a peculiar flow of energies?? it is just incredible how the people who can help each other in one way or another are always there at a reach of the hand, you just have to be open and communicative enough to be able to grab them and take what they are there to offer...remember this, as if it was your own experience, and it might help you as well in your life.

have a nice day!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


well, it is interesting, because I am not in spain in the sense I haven´t seen anything yet. We are in a rather segregated area, which is a huge complex of buildings, palm trees and sporting facilities. it is very pretty, there are around 300 people here, from 93 countries, all attending one of the 6 trainings going on at the same time. I think I will try to show you some pictures, or give a link to flickr. I just need to upload them.
egy no rohadtul csamcsog a ragojaval mellettem.. :) es eszrevettem, hogy az embereknek profilbol mennyire mozog az orruk hegye amikor beszelnek-...ezt meg regebben, de most mar le kellett irnom :)
amugy tenyleg erdekes es nagyon faraszto, de megintcsak nagyon tanulsagos hely ez. remelem eleg bator leszek ahhoz, hogy eleg infot szerezzek arrol amirol akarok.
akkor most megprobalok kepeket uploadolni.

so here are the pics..6 of them so far..I got lost alone in the village yesterday..well today at 1 in the morning. but I managed to find my way back to the university after a while. :) iI felt really silly, coz I am usually good in orientation, but I wasn´t paying attention yesterday towards the bar, and I was a bit tipsy on the way back. But I had to hurry, coz I had to finish some translation for the theatre... yes, at 1-2 in the morning.. :)

I hope you will see the set.. :)



Sunday, September 14, 2008


well, I am leaving for Spain in 2 hours. There will be a training on cultural diversity and youth work --- combined. so i bet it will be fun. and everyone accepted it rather nicely. even my boss, coz I've been working in the school for only 2 weeks , and she said she likes it when the teachers educate themselves, and I just need to organise my replacement. my mom will be filling in for me, so everyone will be happy. life is great :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


now this is very know what happens when you inhale helium right? well you will learn what happens when you inhale sulfur hexafluoride from this video :)


well, it is almost the middle of september...I got a good job, i got motivation in belgrade from a guy who is very professional at what he does, and he made me want to do things as a civilian in my community...which i was already doing, but i learned that my country began some changes and we are in the exceptional position to be the first to take advantage of these i will! and it started again, on its own. i found the link between us, the private sector and the government and i think we will do something really big in our town.
and above all this, i kinda fell in love (i am not sure if i dare to say this, as i am usually not a person who openly shows her emotions moreover talks about them, but lets call this state being in sounds nice) and i get a lot of energy out of it. not out of him directly, but out of the fact that i am happy :)

okay... as an ending, lets wathch a japanese band and their video, which is something like a mixture of mansons beautiful people and nightwish... :D...very disturbingly commercial..