Wednesday, September 9, 2009

nostrification of the English Masters Diploma

In Belgrade you would need (in 2009):

1. original diploma + 3 copies
2. translation (by a legal translator) in 2 original copies (with a stamp) - you will need 2 copies for this too (that makes 5 copies in total)
3. transcript of records/exams/credits with translation and 2 copies
europass (original) + 1 translation + 2 copies
4. the curriculum of your major (no translation needed)
5. the Masters Thesis (in print or on a CD)
6. a confirmation of the serbian citizenship
7. 36.000 dinars to pay
8. a filled out form you get at the university in 2 copies. you get it when you are paying the 36.000 dinars

and that's it.
compared with the things the university in Novi Sad requires, this is heaven...
and they have a meeting at the end of each month, around the 23rd. so you should hand in all of these materials as soon as possible, and then it will take maybe a few weeks only to get the nostrification.
I haven't handed it in, so I will update this information afterwards.

They were really nice and helpful, and it was all ready in record time, about 2 months max. 

Monday, March 16, 2009

a lucky day? we'll see...

so far it's 5 p.m. and this has been an unusually lucky shit-day for me.
I couldn't sleep all night long. which means I had had about 3,5 hours of shallow sleep before I woke up at 7 a.m. I got ready and went to school. And when I was trying to print out a page for class I realised I don't have a class today, cos the class is having informatics..anyway, the printer wasn't working. so instead of giving a class, i spent 45 minutes waiting for the computer being repaired. and it worked. Now i am ready for tomorrow. Then I went to the post office to pay the bills. I was 3rd in line. By the time I was at the counter, there were 7 people behind me. Then I came home and fell asleep..Suddenly I wake up to the phone ringing. A female voice tells me my number has been in a lottery and won, and they need my name so they could send me the invitation to a 4 person dinner, and some kind of prize winning. :) I dunno. The phone is not on my name, but I am paying for it..what would be the nice or smart thing to do in this situation? pass the winnings to the owner of the number or keep it and share it with people I love? dunnno, dunno. I thought about inviting the owner to the dinner...and telling him thats his part of the prize, but without me who would be paying for the number? :D
aaaargghh..moral test. Damn it. If I fail, will i get punished like I was in november? or was that a pre-punishment for this mistake I'm about to make? LOL

Friday, January 30, 2009

not artificial

this is a "brain cactus" from Arizona