Sunday, August 17, 2008


wow..I just couldn't et myself to writing..this has been the most eventful week of my life..if I started listing everything that happened to me, the things I've seen, the things I've heard...I just wouldn't stop writing..and you couldn't read it. So.. if you ever wonder wether to come to sziget or not, well.. bring a tent, put it up close to everything, near some trees, and near the toilets. There is no stealing, as we may suppose, so don't be afraid Noone needs your filthy clothes here, and carry your valuables, or put it in the treasury..
stay here for the whole week and try everything you can.. a wekk won't be enough I promise..
and, most importantly, DON'T PLAN TOO MUCH!!! it just ruins the experience. Stay as laid back as you can, and just let your feet take you wherever and keep your eyes open. I am sure you will see everything you ever wished to see this way! :)))

Thursday, August 14, 2008

SZIGET day 1 english

So the officially first day has passed. With lots of leg+feet stories.
The first more interesting phenomenon was the 5 african guys in national clothing, skippink around in a circle, and as I know from the discovery channel, they are trying to jump as high as they can. They had shoes that are very special, my friend just got into the business of promoting them, coz they are good for the muscles.. or something like that.
Afterwards I was stunned by the legs of Alanis Morisette..she got a bit bigger than like I remembered her. But her voice is still great.
We noticed the bungee jumping action, which I have never tried, because you are connected to the rope by your ancles, and I am afraid they will get hurt. But the French artists at another stage were clearly not bothered by this. The performed a spectacular show, telling the myth of creation from the greek mythology. They were on stage, in the air, at about 60 metres high, lit by pro reflectors, hanging from the crane, and the music was so well organised, chills were running up and down my spine.
Then I saw the ugly as the Beatles, but carizmatically honest like the Guns and Roses, and popular like both, The Kooks. It was fun. Cute, English, not so good-looking guys. :)
Then another French dance theatre showed their smooth and funny dance moves, and in the end I got left alone with my aching feet, coz I walked sooo much around the place...

SZIGET day 1

Elmult az elso nap a szigeten. Elmult a nulladik is, de az inkabb olyan bevezeto jellegű volt. A labfétis ötletem tegnapra nagyon jól bevált. Ugyebár az volt az ötlet, hogy a lábakat fogom figyelni. Hát az első nap láttam amolyan afrikai néptáncszerűséget ami arról szól, a discoveryből informálódva, hogy körben állnak a férfiak, aprókat ugrálnak, és néhanéha valamelyikük magasra ugrik. A lényeg az, hogy ki ugrik magasabbra. Mellesleg a cipőjuk olyan volt, amit épp most ismertem meg egy barátnőmtől. A talpa nem egyenletes, hanem olyan mintha egy gömbcikk lenne, és állítólag nagyon jót tesz az izmoknak, főleg azoknak amelyeket a járáshoz használunk.
Ez után az Alanis Morisette koncerten láttam egy meglepő lábat, méghozzá éppen Alanis lába volt az. Nagyon meghízott,és a lábához képest tök pici volt a feje, de a hangja szerencsére nem változott. Sőt, tapasztalataimból ítélve a felesleg testsúly jót tesz a hangképzéshez használt test-rezonanciának.
Innen a bungee jumpingozók megfigyelésébe kezdtünk, ők is a lábuknál fogva, pontosabban a bokjuknál vannak felerősítve a kötére, ami nekem az első számú ellenérv a kipróbáláshoz, mert attól félek kirántja a helyéről az izületeimet. De lehet, hogy ez nem is így van.
Hanem a bugee jumping amatőr szinten csak a bevezetés volt. Franciaországból jött egy produkció, profi balett-táncosok, vagy artisták, nem derült ki számomra, de egy olyan előadással jöttek, ami perceken át letaglózva hagyta a közönséget. A görög teremtésmítoszt adták elő egy daruról lógatott szerkezeten lógva, profi szines megvilágítással, jelmezekkel, a zene kitűnően volt összeválogatva. Egyszóval lenyűgöző volt.

Az britt indie-rock képviselői sem hagytak kivetnivalót maguk után. Szűk farmerban, vicces lakcipőben állt színpadra a The Kooks. Annyit tudtam megállapítani róluk, hoyg olyanok mint a Beatles és a Guns and roses keveréke. Zeneileg épp annyira pop mint mindkét együttes, csakhogy olyan csúnyák mint a Beatles és olyan karizmatikus őszinte rockot játszanak mint annó a Guns.
Ezek után volt még blues+népzene+country+jazz keverék zene toporzékoló szaxofonossal, még egy érdekes francia táncszínház, és a végére maradt a kegyetlen izomláz amit a sok sétálástól kaptam, a bokám körül.

A második nap majd ezek után.. :)

☼, klara

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


in the end I arrived on day 0....probably the most tiring day after the last day..which will be interesting. I barely fit into my backpack from home..and I already collected some things to take home. I am working on my idea for the journal that got me the acreditation, but also ccollecting ideas for the forest dump project..I actually learned things from the Hungarian green -organisation about the situation in Vojvodina..but at least I learned.
I barely could find a place to put my tent, and when I did find it, the ground proved to be very hard, some parts were missing from the base of the tent and noone helped me.. but who cares. I met some people, strangers, but at least there was someone to talk to. I am trzing to decide whether it is better to come here totally alone or with someone who wants to do something different from me al the time and I need to make is a difficult decision, but I think I will again stick to the come alone and let life take you to your place. because this is only the first day, I bet none of the people I hang out with are here..and maybe they won't even come at all...and thinking about it, bthis last thing was probably the reason why I came alone in the first place. :)
so...I saw Iron Maiden live..and no surprises there. they ARE funny. still playing the same old rock-metal thing from the 80s, with mise-en-scene that has lost its power over the past decade with all the laser shows and stuff. the theme was Egypt...something that I finally understand better than before, but the 2 most ridiculous, or most spectacular thigs were when the singer put on some shaman hat and when a huge mummy came out of the background doing hand movements that only needed the sound wwooooooooooo to it to make it perfectly ...well perfectly like it was.. :)

Then I went to sleep...

now I am in the press tent, and I will keep everyone updated everyday about what the previous day waslike..

OH I decided at home my focus will be feet..well, there are a lot of them, they are smelly, and mostly they are in groups of 4 and up..oh and lots of them are broken or sprained..lots of injuries this year.

bye for now!