Tuesday, April 15, 2008

oh my god!!!

I am working on my MA thesis, it is brutally hard work, but can only be done all at once, coz there are so many articles I have to remember, what was written where, that if there is more than 1 night between 2 writing sessions, then all that I have read just disappears from my mind and I have to read it over again..so the only way is to be brutally tired, but do it all at once. I already have the minimum required characters, but I still have to write some things..so I think it will be allright..I am just so anxcious...
help! help! heeeelp!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

groupies, penises etc.

ok..I should be working on my dissertation..time is running out. I even finally made myself wake up before...a whole lot before...noon, and I couldn't start working on it. However I did spend the most unuseful 15 minutes of my time looking for a long-time-no-see website. I just remembered it had something to do with groupies writing about their experiences with 90s rockstars and rock not-stars..and finally I remembered how I got to see the page for the first time. It was of course by looking for articles about Axl Rose.. *blush*
so here it is:

the Penis chart , with 167 entries so far
and the Groupie Chart with the lesser 18 entries..but with the full list of who they did until 2005..the last time this page was updated..there are interviews and stuff as well among the links on the left hand side.. :)