Friday, June 13, 2008

arabian night

I've just had the most interesting experience.
I was talking to a Saudi arabian guy, who barely speaks english. but we managed to talk about some stupid things, even if it lasted 5 times as much as it would have if he could speak English, but it was interesting. He is a bit stupid. I mean not "un-intelligent" but not well informed about the world. Especially the internet. I am totally surprised he can use a computer, when he has no idea how to use google maps , which would be ok, but he doesnt recognise that the opening page is not europe or my country but USA...
and then, after a while sometimes some kind of radio broadcast tangled into our from time to time I could hear a stranger's voice speaking in arabian..and after this happened like 3-4 times suddenly the line broke and we could only write to each other. and this was the point when I said I have to go to sleep..which is true. :) I do have to go to sleep :) it is 5 am..and i have to wake up at 11 the latest.

so blessed are the..who?