Thursday, December 18, 2008
s akik nem tudják a saját szintjüket harmonikus 0án tartani azok másokét szívják beszélgetés közben
de nem azért h feltöltődjenek, hanem h abban a pillanatban funkcionáljanak
aztán amikor vége a beszélgetésnek, akkor hamarosan megint kiűrülnek
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
white spots
Saturday, December 13, 2008
red thing
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Miért nem akarok gyereket? Íme:
- mert félek, hogy betegen születik, vagy beteg lesz, vagy akár meghal
- mert félek, hogy én halok meg vagy betegszek le és magára hagyom
- mert ha majd egyszer rákérdez arra, hogy miért született, miért van a földön, nem fogok tudni mit mondani neki. Mert nekem se tetszik ez a világ
- mert nem akarok önző lenni és csak azért világra hozni egy ártatlan lelket, mert unatkozok, vagy hogy az egómat növeljem vele
- mert önző vagyok és mivel csak úgy tartom értelmesnek a gyereknevelést, ha legalább az anya rááldozza az életét, és nem a nagyira meg másokra bízza a gyereket míg ő dolgozik stb, és nekem nincs időm arra, hogy egész nap egy gyerekkel foglalkozzak. Túl sok mindent szeretnék még megélni egyedül, meg látni a világból
- mert nem tudom kivel vállalnám el ezt a feladatot mármint a szülőit, valamint nem tudom, hogy elég tiszták-e a sejtjeim ahhoz, hogy egészséges gyereket hozzak világra .. (de úgyse akarok terhes lenni és főleg nem szülni)
- mert nem tudom garantálni boldogságát. Azt meg miért akarnám, hogy valaki aki eddig nem is létezett, egyszercsak legyen, és első perceitől kezdve szenvedjen. És csakis én lehetek felelősségre vonva emiatt, mert nem mondhatom, hogy nem tudtam, hoyg szar az élet, mikor igenis hogy pontosan tudtam, hogy többnyire szar. És az a kevés jó ami történik velünk az csak azért van, hoyg életben tartsa a reményt, de igazából még nem ok arra, hogy újra meg akarjak születni és végigcsinálni ezt még egyszer.
- mert ha van egy gyerekem, az akkor iskoláztatva lesz, ami megintcsak azt jelenti, hoyg nem az én gyerekem, hanem a társadalomé.
- Mert félek, hogy amiatt, hogy nem csak én nevelem, és amiatt, hogy genetikailag is meg van határozva a személyisége, egy nem olyan ember lesz amilyenne én szeretném a gyerekemet, hanem egy geci, elkényeztetett, beképzelt, szívtelen, vagy túl érzékeny, tutyimutyi stb. Ember lesz. Mert a világ szereti így megleckéztetni az embert...
- Milyen okok vannak még a gyerekszülésre? A génjeim továbbadása? Vagy hogy ne legyek egyedül amikor csúnya leszek meg öreg? Vagy hogy szórakoztasson amikor már 30 éves vagyok és már nincs más célom mint dolgozni, férjnél lenni és gyereket nevelni?
- Hol van ezekben az okokban az a lény akiről ez az egész sztori szól, aki viléágra jön, aki túlél engem, azaz a szülőt és egy egyre elbaszottabb világban kell élnie? Én is azon dolgozok, hoyg jobbá tegyem, és nem sikerül, csak szépen lassan romlik. Akkor miért gondolom, hogy ez meg fog változni csak azért, mert én gyereket szülök, és a gyerekemnek a legjobbat akarom. Attól hogy én mit akarok, még nem változik meg a világ.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I have had this choking feeling before. and it is not air I lack, so I am not literaly choking, it is just as if I were in a box, and I will never get out. Like there was something out there which is much more real, and much bigger and clearer than the life I am or we are living, but we just can't get to it...
I was thinking I needed to express this somehow, to get it out of my system, but I don't know how...any kind of visual or audial way of creating art needs a faster computer than mine..maybe I could try photoshop..or some simple video-editing programme..anyone have any ideas? what programmes could I use for this? just to be able to cut and edit and maybe ad a few effects to the video..and just render it without needing a bloody fast computer? .... I need an answer as soon as possible.. Thank you everyone for listening....reading! if there is anyone out there who cares!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
why would I want to...
and then there is the problem of privacy..because you don't have any. whatever you do, whatever changes you make, facebook will notify all your aquaintances inon the contactlist...so watch-out what messages you write to your friends coz it will appear on all your contacts' pages as well...
waahhh... :(
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
the world is small!
The funny thing was, when we started exchanging emails and he found out I was from Subotica. He became excited and told me he´s been there, and he was at the etnofest at palic this june. I told him I was there too with sambass, the samba band I play in and he actually heard us play. but we didn´t meet as such. he was just present at the concert. So we actually met 3 months ago without knowing that we will meet and he will help me in my asignment in Mollina, Spain a few months later.. :)
isn´t the world a peculiar flow of energies?? it is just incredible how the people who can help each other in one way or another are always there at a reach of the hand, you just have to be open and communicative enough to be able to grab them and take what they are there to offer...remember this, as if it was your own experience, and it might help you as well in your life.
have a nice day!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
egy no rohadtul csamcsog a ragojaval mellettem.. :) es eszrevettem, hogy az embereknek profilbol mennyire mozog az orruk hegye amikor beszelnek-...ezt meg regebben, de most mar le kellett irnom :)
amugy tenyleg erdekes es nagyon faraszto, de megintcsak nagyon tanulsagos hely ez. remelem eleg bator leszek ahhoz, hogy eleg infot szerezzek arrol amirol akarok.
akkor most megprobalok kepeket uploadolni.
so here are the pics..6 of them so far..I got lost alone in the village yesterday..well today at 1 in the morning. but I managed to find my way back to the university after a while. :) iI felt really silly, coz I am usually good in orientation, but I wasn´t paying attention yesterday towards the bar, and I was a bit tipsy on the way back. But I had to hurry, coz I had to finish some translation for the theatre... yes, at 1-2 in the morning.. :)
I hope you will see the set.. :)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
and above all this, i kinda fell in love (i am not sure if i dare to say this, as i am usually not a person who openly shows her emotions moreover talks about them, but lets call this state being in love..it sounds nice) and i get a lot of energy out of it. not out of him directly, but out of the fact that i am happy :)
okay... as an ending, lets wathch a japanese band and their video, which is something like a mixture of mansons beautiful people and nightwish... :D...very disturbingly commercial..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
stay here for the whole week and try everything you can.. a wekk won't be enough I promise..
and, most importantly, DON'T PLAN TOO MUCH!!! it just ruins the experience. Stay as laid back as you can, and just let your feet take you wherever and keep your eyes open. I am sure you will see everything you ever wished to see this way! :)))
Thursday, August 14, 2008
SZIGET day 1 english
The first more interesting phenomenon was the 5 african guys in national clothing, skippink around in a circle, and as I know from the discovery channel, they are trying to jump as high as they can. They had shoes that are very special, my friend just got into the business of promoting them, coz they are good for the muscles.. or something like that.
Afterwards I was stunned by the legs of Alanis Morisette..she got a bit bigger than like I remembered her. But her voice is still great.
We noticed the bungee jumping action, which I have never tried, because you are connected to the rope by your ancles, and I am afraid they will get hurt. But the French artists at another stage were clearly not bothered by this. The performed a spectacular show, telling the myth of creation from the greek mythology. They were on stage, in the air, at about 60 metres high, lit by pro reflectors, hanging from the crane, and the music was so well organised, chills were running up and down my spine.
Then I saw the ugly as the Beatles, but carizmatically honest like the Guns and Roses, and popular like both, The Kooks. It was fun. Cute, English, not so good-looking guys. :)
Then another French dance theatre showed their smooth and funny dance moves, and in the end I got left alone with my aching feet, coz I walked sooo much around the place...
SZIGET day 1
Ez után az Alanis Morisette koncerten láttam egy meglepő lábat, méghozzá éppen Alanis lába volt az. Nagyon meghízott,és a lábához képest tök pici volt a feje, de a hangja szerencsére nem változott. Sőt, tapasztalataimból ítélve a felesleg testsúly jót tesz a hangképzéshez használt test-rezonanciának.
Innen a bungee jumpingozók megfigyelésébe kezdtünk, ők is a lábuknál fogva, pontosabban a bokjuknál vannak felerősítve a kötére, ami nekem az első számú ellenérv a kipróbáláshoz, mert attól félek kirántja a helyéről az izületeimet. De lehet, hogy ez nem is így van.
Hanem a bugee jumping amatőr szinten csak a bevezetés volt. Franciaországból jött egy produkció, profi balett-táncosok, vagy artisták, nem derült ki számomra, de egy olyan előadással jöttek, ami perceken át letaglózva hagyta a közönséget. A görög teremtésmítoszt adták elő egy daruról lógatott szerkezeten lógva, profi szines megvilágítással, jelmezekkel, a zene kitűnően volt összeválogatva. Egyszóval lenyűgöző volt.
Az britt indie-rock képviselői sem hagytak kivetnivalót maguk után. Szűk farmerban, vicces lakcipőben állt színpadra a The Kooks. Annyit tudtam megállapítani róluk, hoyg olyanok mint a Beatles és a Guns and roses keveréke. Zeneileg épp annyira pop mint mindkét együttes, csakhogy olyan csúnyák mint a Beatles és olyan karizmatikus őszinte rockot játszanak mint annó a Guns.
Ezek után volt még blues+népzene+country+jazz keverék zene toporzékoló szaxofonossal, még egy érdekes francia táncszínház, és a végére maradt a kegyetlen izomláz amit a sok sétálástól kaptam, a bokám körül.
A második nap majd ezek után.. :)
☼, klara
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I barely could find a place to put my tent, and when I did find it, the ground proved to be very hard, some parts were missing from the base of the tent and noone helped me.. but who cares. I met some people, strangers, but at least there was someone to talk to. I am trzing to decide whether it is better to come here totally alone or with someone who wants to do something different from me al the time and I need to make compromises...it is a difficult decision, but I think I will again stick to the come alone and let life take you to your place. because this is only the first day, I bet none of the people I hang out with are here..and maybe they won't even come at all...and thinking about it, bthis last thing was probably the reason why I came alone in the first place. :)
so...I saw Iron Maiden live..and no surprises there. they ARE funny. still playing the same old rock-metal thing from the 80s, with mise-en-scene that has lost its power over the past decade with all the laser shows and stuff. the theme was Egypt...something that I finally understand better than before, but the 2 most ridiculous, or most spectacular thigs were when the singer put on some shaman hat and when a huge mummy came out of the background doing hand movements that only needed the sound wwooooooooooo to it to make it perfectly ...well perfectly like it was.. :)
Then I went to sleep...
now I am in the press tent, and I will keep everyone updated everyday about what the previous day waslike..
OH I decided at home my focus will be feet..well, there are a lot of them, they are smelly, and mostly they are in groups of 4 and up..oh and lots of them are broken or sprained..lots of injuries this year.
bye for now!
Monday, July 28, 2008
I think these must be signs that I shouldn't take the not so sure job in Ljubljana to work as a receptionist without papers...and then trying to get apers, VIs, and spend lots of time and money...
we will see. If they employ me in Subotica at this agency then I am not going to Slovenia for sure.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
luck is only the strength of your belief!
I did an experiment. A bit dangerous but rather fun experiment. And it worked.
Imagine yourself taking a backpack, a friend (girl) and a few cardboards and a map, and just putting your life in the hands of other people to get to a place you haven't decided on.
This is what we did. We set off on Friday. The only thing planned was that we, I mean I, had to get to ljubljana till monday noon.
So we hitch-hiked. I know that for my friend this trip meant something else than for me. For her it was kind of a life experience that showed her and different people's lives to herself. For me it was a trip that proved that if you do not imagine the negative, only the positive, that is you don't think about things you are afraid of happening, but concentrate on the one thing you would like to hapen to you, it worked so freakily well, that it was funny.
The hitch-hike happened in the exact same order of stoping vehicles as I meditated on it the last night aloud ( meaning that I imagined that a person we know will take us on a part of the trip after the border. and it happened. then I finished my meditation with a car that we stop on the western side of hungary and which will take us directly to istria. This happened as well. we even made friends with them, adn spent the whole weekend together with them)
The things I didn't imagine or was afraid of did not happen. I never could imagine how we are hitching from istria to ljubljana. and it never happened. Noone would give us a ride, but 1 day before a guy gave us each 1 ticket to rijeka. he wanted us to go to a party with him and his friends, but this was on saturday, in the evening, and we were so tired we had to sleep. So we in the end, got to ljubljana by train, which cst 15 euros. Subotica -> Ljubljana = 20 hours to opatia (with 4 hours spent in an apartment waiting for the car to be fixed, sleeping, showering,,, ) + 3 hours by train = 15 euro :)
Then the next thing. I got a job in Ljubljana, and I got a place to live in until I find one of my own, and I again didn!t meet Olga who was supposed to be my boss. and I think this is again for the better, coz she is strange, and maybe if I worked for her I would go crazy after a while. I will be working in a hostel...there are several hostels, but this one is special for several reasons.
When I did not know yet if we could sleep at a friend's apartment, I looked for acciomodation and found a hostel named Fluxus. Of course because of the Serbian cards and such we couldn't make reservations. I printed the map and all the details of the hostel just in case.
So I get to ljubljana and olga is working hard on not meeting me, but she sends me the phonenumber of a guy who "owns a hotel". I call the guy and he is really nice and helpful. He tells me to meet the next day. I ask him to write down the name and address of the hotel so I could go there and meet with him. And he says: go directly to F., and talk o his friend coz he is not there. It seemed so farmiliar, the name, but it was not until I noticed the whole place and when I realised it was a Hostel, not a hotel, that I realised this is again not a coincidence. Of all the hostels, of all the people, of all the times, I get this one. If 1 step of our plan was different, we might have even slept in the F. and just had to go out of the room to meet the "new boss".
After slovenia, which we left with instant plan modifications, coz we left every station at least 6-9 hours later, so we didnt leave on tuesday but on wedesday morning. And we went to Wienna. and also we got 2 beds,, maybe the only 2 beds left in the entire hostel, coz 3 guys could not get beds in this or other hostels, but the 2 of us got them no problem. And it was 10 minutes on foot from the museums which we wanted to see anyway. So we were lucky? or well focused. coz we arrived in a 100% strange city and it took us 1 hour to find a hostel without a proper map. And this hostel was okay. cheap for Wienna, breakfast included, they stored our luggage all day till our train for free. So It was coool! I am sorry it ended, and also sorry that I cant tell all the small funny or incredibly lucky/focused bits, but it would be too long, and not interesting for unknown ears.
So..what got erased from thispost and what have no strength to rewrite is, that this trip proved that by actively meditating on what yyou want, and not letting your mind drift to thoughts about what can go wrong, what is potentially dangerous and bad to happen, because by visualising it you set of a time-bomb waiting to blow. But if you think of what you want, and just leave it at that, do not think about it, coz it will trigger the bad thoughts, coz we are used to doing that. that is how he society conditioned our minds.
When we were still trying to get out of subotica to the border, older people were all commenting our idea. either by nonverbal signs adn some with speech: " Do you also want to fall into the situation you can see on TV?" (of course she said it much shorter)
and it was so sad to see how people live theor lives, ride their bicycles every morning, thinking that all the people in the cars and on the streets are bad, evil, want to harm others...why? coz it says on TV.,,,ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ
Monday, July 7, 2008
before and after
Now you have been introduced to Haifa's new face, here is a collection of photos of the before and after eras. This is a very common thing in the arabic world, not only among the stars. The women depend on the beauty of their faces to get husbands, therefore they reshape the only visible thing on their bodies to be as attractive as their bank account lets them to be. :)
desert dessert
so again, after all the European experiences, I am writing about the arabian ones..I suppose I am bored of what is happening here..I have to get away soon, and for a long time...
I finally came across the video of the Lebanese girl called Haifa. It will open a world for you which is a bit confusing..so there are the arabians who learn the Koran all their lives, and pray every day, who as women cover their heads more or less with scarves, who are really conservative when it comes to appropriateness of behaviour in public places. But their music and videos show, that this conservatism goes only to their main gates. When they are in the house, they become much more open...maybe they go even to other extremes, sexually, as that is what their culture revolves around if you look at it more closely.
When I lived in their hotel for 4 days, I had a TV, a bed and a bathroom. As it turned out this hotel was used as a whore-fucking resort :) So the TV+bathroom+double bed seemed totally logical. I could watch a news channel, a talk-show channel and muzzika their MTV. Of course, I watched that one when going to sleep and after waking up.
The following video was on every 30 minutes every day, all day long. So I know it by heart, though I don't understand the lyrics..there are only few words I know:
ahedbek - I love you
bosa - kiss
wawa - child
and I have thank you written down somewhere..( I'm not sure if you noticed what kind of words they are :) )
Ok so, this woman is lebanese, but popular all across the arabian world..she had a ton of plastic operations, but she is kind of pretty now at least..she had a bigger nose and a strange looking upper lip, also her eyes became more lifted...
Enjoy the sexy arabian language and people.. :P
intro to the next thing
It took me more than a month to post a new thing, but it is an eyepleasing video..for the men and for the video-loving people, and an intersting insight into th e real arabian culture of today.
I didn't write till now, coz I just couldn't get mydself to verbalize what was happening. It was a collection of concerts and parties and other things that I can't even remember, but it sure filled my days in June... maybe I will post a few links from the concerts..at least some photos or something..
Friday, June 13, 2008
arabian night
I was talking to a Saudi arabian guy, who barely speaks english. but we managed to talk about some stupid things, even if it lasted 5 times as much as it would have if he could speak English, but it was interesting. He is a bit stupid. I mean not "un-intelligent" but not well informed about the world. Especially the internet. I am totally surprised he can use a computer, when he has no idea how to use google maps , which would be ok, but he doesnt recognise that the opening page is not europe or my country but USA...
and then, after a while sometimes some kind of radio broadcast tangled into our line..so from time to time I could hear a stranger's voice speaking in arabian..and after this happened like 3-4 times suddenly the line broke and we could only write to each other. and this was the point when I said I have to go to sleep..which is true. :) I do have to go to sleep :) it is 5 am..and i have to wake up at 11 the latest.
so blessed are the..who?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Semi-finalists of Eurovision
The Russian one was funny, coz the guy was suffering and singing on stage, while a Hungarian violin player was doing the same behind him on a stradivari rather motionless, and then we learn why..coz he was standing on a 3by4 metres ice-rink, where Evchenco or Plushenko a famous skater was moving his hands like a ballet dancer.. :) hehe a comment on youtube: "he song is good but singer don`t know english.You`ll need more than old violin and famous skater to win"
Dima Bilan - Believing:
Then the girl from Greece, with her sexy dancing and mouth wide open while accentuating her breasts, was bound to have won. Barbie is from Greece and she is moving her legs apart not only to the front and back, like my Barbie did...:P
Lets see who else..oh the Finnish guys..:) LOL So a Finnish Metal band..tight leather pants, nothing on top, if there is, then it is some excessory, long blond hair, making faces, screaming and double bass...
The Norvegian girl was like very esthetic, a little lovesong, nice smiles, but I couldn't care less for their performance..boring..pop pop popp.. :)
Maria Haukaas Storeng:
ok..I can't think of anyone else worth mentioning..I mentioned the Norwegian entry just for the guys reading this..girls, it is not worth the 3 minutes. Guys: you should also check out the Armenian girl with Quele quele, meaning "hajde, hajde! or Come on, come on!"
Dustin the Turkey
and if you wish, look for:
Moldova eurovision 2008: http://youtube.com/watch?v=oplwycr3sRc
Bosnia and Hercegovina: http://youtube.com/watch?v=EJekvU3lLhI&feature=related
japanese poprockska
They are called Go!Go!87188, the 2 girls playing the guitar ('79 generation) and the bass('80), and the drummer ('73) have been playing as a band since maybe around 2000, and have toured around the world since then..and I just "met" them today..well..better now then never...
They are so cool to watch, coz these japanese people just do not age! they look like they were 16 and in fact they are between 35 and 28...weird..
so enjoy! here is the link
Monday, May 19, 2008
I still can't believe where my life takes me. Cairo....well...of course nothing can be perfect, but I think un imperfect something is better than nothing. I started off at 8 A.M. after 2 nights of concerts in small towns 150kms away from here..not enough sleep. I had been waking up at 7 o'clock every day before my departure to a far-away land..and then I travelled 19 hours, just sleep about 3 hours and be at breakfast at half past 8, have a meeting at 9 and go on to a self-organized sight-seeing tour in a city with 18 million residents at least, that is 65 km across. Of course we had no real idea where to go, what to see, so we went to the museum, and since my company was a group of 40year-olds and a couple of younger people who were no fun at all, the whole afternoon was about wondering around, not aggreeing on any goal. In the end, after circling the area around the museum, we went back to the hotel to chill out a bit. I did it on the 13th floor by the pool...In the evening we were supposed to go shopping, but we had to wait for someone's sister, who did not arrive, and so I just went to a back-street with two men, and smoked waterpipes. Next day we woke up at 4.30, had breakfast and went to work. I was feeling worse and worse with each day, zhanks to being very tired. The day passed in heat, on the centre of the city, and mainly in the embassy of Serbia, We were shown a shopping mall on the other side of the city by a woman that I knew from somewhere, and she also knew my face, but we couldn't figure out where from. I also saw the ZOO, and the locals were looking at me as if I were an animal as well.
In the evening-night I wanted to rest, but it was so hot, I couldn't sleep. So I drank some wine with a few young girls from belgrade that I got to know there and then. But still,., I only could sleep for a few hours till morning.
In the morning on Monday, I felt the worst..My pulse was high and I could hardly breathe. But the doctor in our group said it is dehidration, so after I drank lots of water and cooled off, I felt better the whole day. We went to the pyramids AT NOON!! Idiot tourists..in the desert at noon..but we survived and had great memories from there. In the afternoon we chilled at the pool, and in the evening we went shopping a bit and after having ditched the 2 boring old guys, my roommate gil and I walked alone through the center and I got to know an arabian guy, who made my wishis come true. wishes I had for the past 2 days, that were connected to cairo, and to having a full experience of it. And it all happened in the last evening. So I can only say, in the end everything turned out great!! :)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
oh my god!!!
help! help! heeeelp!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
groupies, penises etc.
so here it is:
the Penis chart , with 167 entries so far
and the Groupie Chart with the lesser 18 entries..but with the full list of who they did until 2005..the last time this page was updated..there are interviews and stuff as well among the links on the left hand side.. :)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
my luck has changed finally
then i met a guy i met at some youth conferences 7-8 years ago. him and some slovenian girls and i were spending most of our time together at the camp, but after that we didnt keep in touch.
but he recognized me, and he changed only a bit, so we talked before and after the concert and were laughing during it, and i hope we will keep in touch at least a bit now that we know how precious human relationships are, and how wonders can happen..
uhh, i think i am not making too much sense now.but i am in a hurry.. :)
then today i found something for my rollerblades i was looking for for weks :)
♪♪♪♫♫ "i think i'm just happy"♪♫♪♫♪♪
Thursday, March 27, 2008
all your base are belong to US
"this nation will keep its comitments from south vietnam to west berlin"..
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Forest Dump Project

I finally got to the point where I wrote a proposal letter, and with the help of K. we sent it to lots of people. 6 daays later we already had an organizers' meeting and made the project plan and started the action plan for our project. the aim is to get the huge piles of rubbish out of our surrounding forests, and do this with he media behind us, with promotional parties, and hopefully lots of people behind us on 31st May, when we go into the forest and just clean it as it is. Also we want to find out why people choose to take their garbage to the forest instead of the legal dumps, and make a change in the system, in which there will be regular free garbage take-away missions, and also who brings a whole lorry full of garbage to the legal dump, they will be freed of charge. also it will be very fine to make the people collect their garbage selectively...so we have lots of plans.
already you can sign up to our mailing list here: forestdump2008@gmail.com
check and add us as friends on myspace: www.myspace.com/forestdump2008
we are there on poznanici.com as well
at all these places we will update the people on where we are in the project, what help we need, and when some action is due
Sunday, March 23, 2008
we so much like the letter E..and ebeneezer as well
so here is the video..enjoy...if you can... E
utu b
Thursday, March 20, 2008
how convenient
what kind of grown ups will they be? what emotional scars this will leave them with? it seems to be a question only we, the "childless" pose.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

i found these signs on my computer...i thought they were a little bit strange...if we think of them as representing our culture, the dos and don'ts, the images we are conditioned to understand...
for example: why is it forbidden for rollerbladers to chase skaters? :) or why should hikers and women with briefcases and strange hairdos park anywhere? + together? :) and did that man push the other one off that thing they were standing on? i am not even going to discuss the one with the toilet...
Monday, March 17, 2008

Ez a kis cuki volt a kapu-őr. Mert megpróbáltunk felmenni a hajóba, de azt mondta nem lehet..na egy képet azért megért, és azt meg is engedte. a hiúság az idegenek közt sem ritka. főleg ha valakit folyton otthogynak a hajóban, hogy őrködjön. pedig biztos szivesen szórakozott volna egy kicsit a többiekkel..
Sunday, March 16, 2008
* te, én és kedves családtagjaid, barátaid mind:
természetes magánszemélyek vagyunk..oké? :)
* ha pl. adatlapot klubbá, illetve ha akármilyen más kategóriát váltasz valami másra, azt migrációnak hívják.
* Egy klub moderátorai jogosultak a klub tagjait felfüggeszteni (kivégzés) vagy kizárni (kiközösítés), illetve ezen állapotukat normalizálni (sámánizmus). hehe..who needs a doctor?... :)
* Valamint egy figyelemfelkeltő elem, 18 éven aluliak részére:
Kötelező minden olyan klubot "18+" jelöléssel ellátni, amely tematikájában vagy tartalmában sértheti fiatalkorúak erkölcsi fejlődését.
jupí!! :) én azonnal besorolnám a divat, az emo (hacsak nem verseket irkálnak) és a rajongói klubbokat... ezek a birkásító, sekélyesítő helyek biztos nem tesznek jót az erkölcsi fejlődésnek viszont tökéletesen belerontanak a fogyasztói társadalom mechanizmusába...szülők, válasszatok..(ó, ez milyen félelmetes gondolat..)
Monday, March 10, 2008
an older pic

Azzal kezdődik az emlékem az álomból, h anyám nincs otthon, apámmal maradtunk, s kezdtek fura dolgok történni, meg fura helyen laktunk. A ház szűk volt, de magas, sok kis teraszocska volt a sok kis szoba..na jó nem sok, de mondjuk 4 szint volt, minden szinten 1 szoba, s nincsenek falak, hanem teraszok a szobák s látod ha valaki bejön lent az ajtón. Azzal kezdődött a furaság, hogy elkezdtek bejönni olyan emberek akik haverok, vagy épp ismerősök s nem is kedvelem őket, s próbáltam kidobni egyesével őket, de amikor az egyiket már majdnem, akkor rájöttem h közben annyian lettek a ház legmagasabb egyben leghátsó teraszán h már mindegy. Ahogy visszamentem közéjük, lassan az ismerős arcok eltűntek s ismeretlen emberek maradtak.
Ekkor láttam meg, hogy van egy nyílás, vagyis hát h megnyílt a fal ebben a hátsó szobában, s ha ott átmegyek a „szomszédos ház” területére, akkor abban egy óriási világos tér van, s ahogy haladok előre balról-jobbról karámok szarvasmarhákkal, de ahogy bekerültem a 2 karám közé, valami dübörgés kezdődött, az állatok kezdtek megvadulni, törni, roham készült, s én elkezdtem futni előre, s ekkor jobbról kitört a fal s megjelent egy nagyon magas elefánt, s nekem világossá vált, hogy ott bent történik valami ami miatt vannak kiakadva az állatok. Minden esetre futottam előre, jobbra kanyar a fal mögé, s próbálok felmászni valahova h ne tapossanak el, s ekkor valami hátulról megemel s feltesz egy polcra. Hátranézek s egy aranyos kiselefánt, most született, s olyan hosszú lábai vannak mint a Dali festményeken az elefántoknak.
Nah, s ekkor kezdtek kiderülni a dolgok, mert odajött egy lány aki mesélte el a dolgokat, miközben én alig tartom magam ott fenn... a lány féltestvérem akinek lett egy gyereke egy elefánttól (emiatt a lábához erősített gólyalábakon közlekedik h a feje egy szintben legyen az elefántokéval) s a lánnyal közös az apánk, valami fiatalember. Közben rájöttem h nem tudok lemenni, s ez az apám lent csinált valamit h segítsen. Sietett de megkérdezte azért h bírom-e, nem kezd-e elkapni a pánik..engem igazából kezdett, de tartottam magam, nem néztem balra meg le, hogy ne lássam milyen magasan vagyok s hallgattam a lány meséjét. Egyszercsak azt veszem észre h apám feljött s egy mozdulattal csuklónál elvátgta a kezem s tett egy fém kört a 2 testrész közé, visszatette a csuklót, összeforrasztotta és gyorsan feladatot adott h tegyem az ujjam valami dolgok közepére mindig egy polccal lejjebb, s így le is másztam meg meg is maradt az irányítás az ujjaimban. (ez volt a cél – h tudjam irányítani a fantom kezet, meg h annyira elfoglaljon ez a tevékenység h ne vegyem észre ahogy abból a magasból lassan lemászok).
Visszasétáltunk arra ahonnan jöttünk, de nem mentünk vissza az én házamba, hanem egyenesen folytattuk más szobákba, s lett sok ember. Én telefonáltam, próbáltam anyámat elérni, de nem tudtam. Az volt a közös tervük, hogy most meg kell ismerkednem az új családdal. Akiknek van ez a belső körük. Az elefánt gyerek, ami úgy tűnik már néhány generációt érint és a rohadt sok pénz- valamitől nagyon gazdagok.
Na innen már nem érdekes, meg már kezdett közeledni az ébredés s már csak úgy történtek dolgok amik nem lttek megmagyarázva, csak magától érthetőek az álmon belül Pl. : valami liftben voltunk, mentünk felfelé egy irodaépületben s a liftnek volt vécéje. Felértünk s ki kellett tölteni egy borítékot h aktiváljam a mágneskártyát (pl. Ez nemtom mire volt, meg mit keresünk itt). Közben hozták a többfogásos vacsora első részét: valami édességet. A következő is édesség: mandarin tejjel, vagy ananász valami speciális orosz-tejföllel.. én elfelejtettem kitölteni a borítékot mert leakadtam azon h 3 nevem van eredetileg, mármint ebben a világban, s férfinév a keresztnevem. De alatta van az igazi mostani nevem is, s azt fogom használni, ez csak egy ilyen érdekesség. S elmentünk onnan ezzel az új apával aki nagyon fiatal volt, s visszamentünk, mert ott felejtettem a borítékot amiben kiderült h sok pénz volt. Asszem a családi bizniszbe akartak lassan beintegrálni. Ezért kellett megismernem őket végre...
Monday, March 3, 2008
3 minutes
new and improved