Wednesday, August 13, 2008


in the end I arrived on day 0....probably the most tiring day after the last day..which will be interesting. I barely fit into my backpack from home..and I already collected some things to take home. I am working on my idea for the journal that got me the acreditation, but also ccollecting ideas for the forest dump project..I actually learned things from the Hungarian green -organisation about the situation in Vojvodina..but at least I learned.
I barely could find a place to put my tent, and when I did find it, the ground proved to be very hard, some parts were missing from the base of the tent and noone helped me.. but who cares. I met some people, strangers, but at least there was someone to talk to. I am trzing to decide whether it is better to come here totally alone or with someone who wants to do something different from me al the time and I need to make is a difficult decision, but I think I will again stick to the come alone and let life take you to your place. because this is only the first day, I bet none of the people I hang out with are here..and maybe they won't even come at all...and thinking about it, bthis last thing was probably the reason why I came alone in the first place. :)
so...I saw Iron Maiden live..and no surprises there. they ARE funny. still playing the same old rock-metal thing from the 80s, with mise-en-scene that has lost its power over the past decade with all the laser shows and stuff. the theme was Egypt...something that I finally understand better than before, but the 2 most ridiculous, or most spectacular thigs were when the singer put on some shaman hat and when a huge mummy came out of the background doing hand movements that only needed the sound wwooooooooooo to it to make it perfectly ...well perfectly like it was.. :)

Then I went to sleep...

now I am in the press tent, and I will keep everyone updated everyday about what the previous day waslike..

OH I decided at home my focus will be feet..well, there are a lot of them, they are smelly, and mostly they are in groups of 4 and up..oh and lots of them are broken or sprained..lots of injuries this year.

bye for now!

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